Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ok, so it was that kind of wasted




Ok, now that I have that out of my system...


My entire body hurts. It's like I have been placed into an extra-extra-large tumble dryer set to maximum. Every time I take a step, my calves scream in agony. A pain like the fire of a thousand suns travels from my legs up to my back with each passing moment. And I have a hangover.

Other than that, things are just peachy.

So yesterday, when I last left you readers hanging for more, I had confided that I was going to go buy some drugs, a DVD player and settle in for a day of trying to shake off my cold.

None of those things happened.

I decided to man up. I said "F%#k this" (which is actually quite difficult - have you ever tried to say a '#' sign out loud? It sounds kind of like "cckkth" but more guttural) and made a decision to get out and do some exercise. I told my body to suck it up (my gut obliged) and I got my gear on, grabbed my basketball and made the 3km trek to the courts next to the office.

To find that they were both occupied. In the immortal words of Jack Bauer: "Damn it!"

Undeterred, I decided I'd walk another couple of km to buy a few DVDs. I had a little bit of cash with me so I figured it was a good way to pass the time while waiting for a court to become available. I wandered up the road (not at all looking like a massive loser with a basketball tucked under one arm) and did some some browsing around. Momentarily swayed by the idea of purchasing the entire 4-season set of Doogie Howser, M.D, I ended up instead purchasing the 7-season set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yes, I like that show. Abusive comments welcome. Anyway, I didn't quite have enough money to buy it, but somewhat amazingly, the girls in the store were perfectly happy for me to take it anyway. They said 'we trust that you will come back next week with the rest of the cash'.


No seriously, I've bought DVDs there before and they know they'll see me again. Was nice of them though.

Excuse me - if my stomach does not get some food in the next 10 seconds, it will kill, starving me to death. That sentence was not well thought out. Back in a jiffy.


Right, food has been demolished. And when I say demolished, it was hoover-style. Possibly the fasted meal ever consumed.

Anyway, I trundled back up to the courts with my new purchase...only to find that they were still occupied. Damn it again! This time I decided to sit and wait for a while. Within 20 minutes, one of the courts freed up, so I was able to go out and shoot around. The guys on the court next to me invited me to take part in a game of 3-on-3, which I was more than happy to do. We played for about 2 hours all up (hence the soreness today, I am out of shape) and then I walked back home to have some dinner.

By now I was feeling pretty good, and my cold had subsided, so I figured I'd head out on the town. I went back to Malone's, the place I went last week where I had free vodka. Unfortunately it was very quiet, and there was no free vodka this time, so it wasn't as much fun as last time. I left at about 11 and went to another place called 'The Coconut Bar', which was in the same plaza. This place was very small, but absolutely pumping...and full of German men. I like Germans, I've even been to Germany...but they were everywhere! Major sausage-fest...and not the good kind of sausage-fest, like at a food-type-place where sau...

Ok, there is no way I can salvage that sentence. I stayed at Coconut for a couple of beers and then decided to go to a place that stayed open past 2am. I went to Logo.

Logo is on the other side of the river, in Puxi. I had to get a taxi to get there, and even though it took quite a while, it still only cost me $AUS17. Back home in Melb it would have been at least double that. Anyway, I got to Logo and it was packed. Like sardine packed. I had more intimate contact with people on my way to the bar than I've had in, well, let's not go there.

Anyway, the beer was cheap (Corona for $AUS4 is always welcome) but the fact that it was so busy was kind of a turn off. The other thing that it didn't have going for it was the band. I'm not saying they were the worst band in the wait, I am saying that. They sucked! Needless to say, I didn't stay as long as I would normally. I think the place has potential, but I think I need to get there after 2am. I also need to find out if the band is a regular fixture. If so, I won't be.

I was out of there by 2 and got a taxi back to the apartment. On the way, I stopped by the local 7-11 equivalent and bought myself some hangover food for today.

Which I promptly ate before reaching my front door. The Oreo cookies made it through mostly unscathed, although I have now eaten all of them.

And yes, I feel extremely average. Hangovers are not cool.


  1. Hm, I'm presuming there are a lot of European people in China? Or you just happened to run into a group of Germans?
    I would like to save up and visit China for a while, I'm beginning to Mandarin so I'm just wondering how much I'd 'fit in' I guess and have some people to talk to.

  2. Well, you have to remember that Shanghai is a city of 20 million people. There are a lot of foreigners working here: Americans, Europeans, Australians - a big mix of people. Having said that, it's not like you run into them everywhere you go. Unless I go to some of the touristy areas, I'm usually the only 'Westerner' around. Saturday night was the first night I've ever run into a big group from one particular country all in the same place.

    Learning the language is a great idea if you're thinking about visiting China. I only speak a few small phrases, but since I work with locals who speak English very well, I haven't really needed to learn much. I do plan on improving my Chinese while I'm here, but have been pretty lazy about it so far.

    As for fitting in, you shouldn't have any problems. Chinese people love visitors, and they love it even more when you can interact with them in their own language, even if it is just to say 'can I please have another beer' or 'you are very pretty' :)

  3. haha. suck it up, you're representing australia and america here
